Message Details:
Company: Byteme
Name: Mathebula Nsovo
Phone: 8666792487
Address: 1556 20th st suite A
City, State and Zipcode: Santa Monica
Subject: Quick Inquiry
Message: Hi Budget Fence N Deck Team, I hope this email finds you well! I'm reaching out to ask if you're open to sharing new information for older adults on your page,
My name is Mathebula and I work with Byte - an organization obsessed with what keeps us all smiling, dental health. We recently published an educational dental health guide for seniors. This free resource highlights the steps to maintaining your natural smile as you age, common dental health issues, paying for dental care, and more.
Please take a look:
I thought our guide would offer some new, beneficial information for your community!
Would you consider adding it to help spread awareness to older adults?
Thank you for your time, and I hope to hear from you soon!